Following the death of her brother, filmmaker Robie Flores returns to her hometown Eagle Pass on the Texas-Mexico border, yearning to turn back time. Immersed in the unruly experiences of adolescence—quinceañeras, Selena, Rio Grande river excursions, teen makeovers, and beyond—she rediscovers the intricacies of the home her brother adored and she once overlooked. What emerges is a playful dance between a personal and collective coming-of-age portrait of borderland youth and Robie herself as she reclaims joy in the aftermath of grief.
Through her own personal and family journey, director Flores delicately unveils a nuanced and unexpected portrayal of the US/Mexico border. Going beyond the headlines of sensationalist media coverage of border issues, Flores’ intimate exploration offers a humanizing perspective that captures the vibrancy of a thriving bi-cultural and bi-national community, celebrating the resilience and spirit of its residents.